Ambassador Self Reports



  • Name: Florencia Nates

    Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: From 2022 we begin to implement sustainability protocols in audiovisual productions. At the local level there is the Protocol of the Association of Audiovisual Production Companies of Cordoba APAC that has a tool kit adapted for the territories and suppliers of Argentina. In 2022, the first film with 100% national production was filmed with this protocol and the carbon footprint was measured using Albert's calculator and the footprint was compensated by planting native trees near the filming locations. In 2023 I began to work on the EMA achieving the first EMA gold in Argentina in a production for Amazon Studio and in conjunction with Mrs. Greenfilm (Spain), and Albert protocols waiting for the stamp having until this year 2024 even very good experiences so that all SVOD platforms can reduce their socio-environmental impact in our country.

    Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: We still do not have many productions with protocols to establish metrics that help reduce impacts, but we have tested and confirmed that it is possible in Argentina since there is a wide variety of Waste Management and Catering options. The biggest challenge remains to be incorporated at the production design stage so that better actions can be achieved to reduce the impact of the Transportation and Art Departments.

    Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: Through the APAC Association we are generating different courses and training for students and professionals in the audiovisual industry. Also training for the filming offices of different Argentine provinces including the multicultural perspective.

    Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: We are being able to reduce or select much more sustainable construction materials, but regarding transportation we need to enter into design moments to achieve an efficient reduction in fossil fuel consumption.

    Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: In the first film of 2022, we managed to ensure that the entire filming was vegan and vegetarian. In 2023 and 2024 we maintain a 100% vegetarian day and reduced red meats to only two meals a week using more chicken. But as happens in all countries, food is a cultural change which is slow but each step helps.

    Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials: We are still contacting suppliers and tracking their materials since some, for example, do use FSC certified materials but we cannot know which specific products. There is still a lot of work to do with suppliers and manufacturers so that they are clear in their production chains.

    Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste: It is currently possible with the selection, for example, of water-based paints, there are recycled materials that can work to replace wood but we have not yet found production that is encouraged to use them. Customs are usually the most difficult in productions where time is limited.

    Contribute to social and community development: By reducing waste and donating everything that is not used again or stored in warehouses, it is a great advance that we are achieving and there is much more to do.

    Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: From APAC we have advanced with local public policies such as the case of Cash Rebate of the City of Cordoba where we have incorporated scoring for sustainability and being one of the first cities in Argentina to achieve it. Currently, more cities in Argentina have joined.

    Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: In all the films that apply protocols, sustainability is worked on, we manage to introduce it on the screen through dialogues and props.

    Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement: We are trying but we do not have a budget and that is why we are looking for partners and subsidies to help us with continuous improvement. Likewise, from my place I always contribute to it, and I have final work from my postgraduate degree on all this that I hope will be useful.

    Additional Comments: It would help us a lot if a space was created for LATAM productions, since our reality is different from those in the north, and working as a team would help a lot with continuous improvement. Thanks!!!

  • Name: Alexis Karebe

    Please share your existing sustainability report if your organization has one: Campaign on energy reduction net zero carbon consumption

    Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: Local

    Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: Report on resource consumption emission and impact

    Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: Cook stove management

    Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: Prioritize the reduction and efficient use energy

    Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste: Reduce waste

    Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management: Waste reduction

    Contribute to social and community development: Best practices enable knowledge sharing

    Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: Leverage the influence of cultural industries

    Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement: Communicate progress on casual crisis climate disaster in season's pathways.

    Additional Comments: I think to be enjoyed in education in disaster resilience and training in risk management and prevention action become more proactive in multimedia clubs communities


  • Name: Florencia Nates

    Please share your existing sustainability report if your organization has one: Since 2020, I have been developing with the Asociación de Productores Audiovisuales de Cordoba (APAC) the kit of free sustainable tools for the audiovisual industry (film, advertising and TV) in the province of Cordoba and Argentina.

    In October 2021 we were able to complete the Sustainable Practices Guide that specifies by work area which sustainable measures to use to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible. We partnered with Albert BAFTA to use his specific carbon calculator for audiovisuals, and we plan for 2022 to develop the Database of sustainable suppliers and online trainings.

    We try to publish the website where these tools will be included, but as a non-profit association and the reality of our country tells us to find financing. therefore we were not able to publish the website yet until we can support the hosting costs. In addition, from the APAC Audiovisual Media Observatory we are looking forward to surveying and generating hard data to know the environmental impact of the industry in Argentina since such numbers do not yet exist.

    From the community we have had a good response, and we intend to carry out the first pilot with the sustainable tool kit in 2022 to publicize the dynamics of work and their effectiveness.

    Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: According to SDG 12 responsible production and consumption and 13 of Action for the climate with the aim of developing responsible and environmentally friendly audiovisual productions (Carbon Neutral) motivating the change of habits in the different stages of audiovisual production.

    The digital tools kit are adapted to the SDGs and to sustainable production models such as those of EcoProd, Green Screen, ProMalaga, to be suitable for Argentina.

    Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: In Argentina there are still no official metrics to quantify, but by calculating approximately the films made in 2019 with a team and trips with average transport, we can think that the film production in Argentina generates more than 100,000 tons of Carbon Dioxide per year (tonCO2eq), without include transport emissions from suppliers, technology manufacturing processes (computers, cameras, among others). This is equivalent to the carbon absorption of more than 500,000 adult trees.

    With the Audiovisual Observatory of Córdoba (OAC) through the Association of Audiovisual Producers of Cordoba (APAC) we are looking for financing and alliances to achieve more precise metrics and in line with reality.

    Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: We believe that training is a necessary part to comply with the sustainability tools. We plan to provide free, short online trainings to teach the use of the toolkit and encourage participation from the entire industry.

    Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: The sustainable practices guide establishes by area all the measures for the care and reduction of natural resources typical of the audiovisual industry, as well as waste management and mitigation options by planting native trees.

    Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: The sustainable practices guide establishes by area all the measures for the care and reduction of natural resources typical of the audiovisual industry, as well as waste management and mitigation options by planting native trees.

    Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials: The sustainable practices guide establishes by area all the measures for the care and reduction of natural resources typical of the audiovisual industry, as well as waste management and mitigation options by planting native trees.

    Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste: The sustainable practices guide establishes by area all the measures for the care and reduction of natural resources typical of the audiovisual industry, as well as waste management and mitigation options by planting native trees.

    Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management: The sustainable practices guide establishes by area all the measures for the care and reduction of natural resources typical of the audiovisual industry, as well as waste management and mitigation options by planting native trees.

    Contribute to social and community development: We are in contact with the IMD Human Rights Multimedia Institute of Latin America and the Caribbean (Argentina) and Fiction Changing the World (Spain) who advise us with their experience.

    Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices: Including environmental education in the training of future film and audiovisual professionals is one of our objectives.

    Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: Working from the association allows us to connect in the future with the municipality, province and country. We are currently generating links with the Municipality of Córdoba through the creation of the Film Commission that will include the sustainable toolkit.

    Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: We hope that in 2022 the message will spread to actresses, actors, producers, scriptwriters, and other workers in the Argentine audiovisual industry with the aim of promoting sustainability

    Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement: OK. See you in two years!

    Additional Comments: As developing countries, we hope to generate networks and alliances to help us finance activities to make the goals for 2022 more concise every day. Specifically, we need financing for

    - Website and hosting (everything is already designed)

    - Trainings

    - Plan for the generation of information, metrics and statistics with the APAC Media Observatory

    - Graphic design for infographics and website improvements

    - Development of a database of sustainable suppliers

    We deeply appreciate the space and the network, and look forward to continuing to nurture relationships.