Signatory Self Reports
Additional Comments: The AFC is a small charity with a mission to help workers in Canada's performing arts and entertainment industry maintain their health, dignity, and ability to work. In the past few years, we've made a commitment to make our annual golf tournament fundraiser more sustainable. So far, we have implemented the following:
- move from bottled water to refillable water bottles and stations at the event
- reduce the use of plastic (bottles, packaging, single-use plastic, etc.)
- encourage participants to purchase carbon offsets to support renewable power and offset the carbon footprint of the golf industry
- recycle signage from previous years
Organizationally, we have made efforts to accomplish the following:
- Entirely move from print materials to digital
- Significantly reduce travel
- Support and champion sustainability efforts on social media and other communications channels
Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: In the past year we created a Sustainability Policy for our BC branch of the union. We are working on a new page of our website that will be dedicated to Sustainability and will be where this policy lives:
DGC BC Sustainability Policy
To be a leader in the promotion of sustainability in the Canadian screen-based industry, with the overall goal of reducing of our industry’s ecological footprint.
Mission Statement
In recognition of the climate emergency our planet faces, the DGC BC acknowledges the need to take action to mitigate our collective ecological impact. As the representative of key creative and logistical personnel in the film and television industry of British Columbia, we have a responsibility to promote meaningful change in order to reduce the amount of waste created, of fossil fuels and natural resources used, and to preserve the sustainability and health of our Members, our industry, our province and our planet.
Our commitment to implement and inspire sustainable practices begins in our union office and extends to our membership base through their work on set, their education and training, our involvement with industry partners, the events we organize and sponsor, and the greater industry at large.
As a signatory member of the Creative Industries Pact, we pledge:
• To be a leader in the promotion of sustainability within the Canadian screen-based industry.
• To prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy, and materials, with a goal of lowering our ecological footprint.
• To educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change and resource consumption, and provide information on more sustainable alternatives.
• To maintain and develop partnerships with organizations that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices, to help advocate for incentives and sustainability policies.
• To inspire Members to leverage the industry’s on-screen influence to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging, including workshops and messaging on Climate Storytelling. (*is this something we are doing?)
• To share best practices with other film unions and DGC National and District Councils
• To prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods, when ordering catering for events and meetings. This means offering more plant-based food and less energy-intensive foods like pork, beef and dairy.
• To make procurement decisions favouring products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low carbon footprint and reduce waste.
• To establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on the DGC BC office’s resource consumption through the establishment of a baseline (2019) with annual performance assessment, and to communicate those improvements to the membership.
Signed at Vancouver, July 2023
Kendrie Upton, DGC BC Executive Director
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: Establishing metrics has been one of the trickiest areas to tackle. As a union we are directly responsible for our one office of 12 people, and have a pretty good record of energy efficiency, comprehensive recycling, sustainable material use in a Leeds-certified building. However, with our close to 1900-strong membership our impact is educational and informational, and we are strong promoters of sustainability but I'm finding it hard to create quantifiable goals because their work happens on individual sets with myriad employers. We are promoting sustainable film production in many ways - just struggling to come up with ways to measure it!
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: For over a year now I have been writing short bi-weekly articles in our e-bulletin, each one focused on a particular aspect of sustainable production: eg. clean energy, renewable diesel, electric vehicle use on set, examining Germany's sustainability regulations for film, etc. We have included sustainable production learning modules in most of the courses that are mandatory for upgrade in the union. We sit on several committees at Reel Green, our own BC & National Sustainability Committees, an informal inter-union committee of BC film labour organizations and have represented the Guild at several sustainability-focused events and conferences. We are planning an announcement for Earth Day that my title now has "& Sustainability Lead" in it.
Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: Much of our travel - both local and national - has been replaced by video conferencing, as have many of our courses and membership meetings. We have reduced printing to a bare minimum in office. Our comprehensive office recycling includes soft plastics, lightbulbs, batteries, composting and container recycling, resulting in very little landfill garbage. We have promoted and sponsored green events including several clean energy workshops to educate the membership on reducing the use of diesel generators as well as attending and promoting the launch of the City of Vancouver grid tie-in kiosks for use by the film industry.
Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: Since Covid we have hosted very few catered events in office, but our Sustainability Policy has a goal of prioritizing plant-based over meat & dairy foods.
Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials: We have been using tree-free paper made from sugar-cane fibre for several years in our office now, and try to buy office supplies locally instead of through Amazon. Most electronics and lights get completely shut off at night, which we remind staff about often.
Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste: We have been using tree-free paper made from sugar-cane fibre for several years in our office now, and try to buy office supplies locally instead of through Amazon. We recycle as much as possible - even pens!
Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management: We always carpool when staff attend outside events together in the city. Meetings are principally by Zoom. Training courses have some options to be done online. Lights & computers off at night.
Contribute to social and community development: We have co-sponsored the Reel Earth Day Challenge each year it has run, are active participants in various Reel Green committees, the BC Federation of Labour Climate Action Committee, attended and contributed speakers to the Sustainable Production Forum, sent a delegate to the Burnaby Clean Energy Summit.
Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices: We have both a BC and a National Sustainability Committee, publish a bi-weekly article on Sustainable Film Production in our newsletter, we've included learning modules on sustainability in several of our mandatory upgrade courses (Trainee Assistant Locations, Assistant Locations & Production Managers), have promoted and attended Clean Energy Workshops and are working on Sustainability-themed social media videos. We also invited all the BC film labour unions to 2 round-table meetings on sustainable production since November 2023.
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: As an active member of the Reel Green Advisory Committee we have regular discussions on advocating for policy changes.
Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: On the National level we had a webinar for directors on climate storytelling, and have published a couple of articles on the same topic in our BC newsletter, reminding our Assistant Directors to normalize sustainability by having cast & background performers model sustainable behaviour with the choice of props and vehicles used on camera: reusable shopping bags, reusable cups, electric vehicles, etc.
Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement: We are putting together a plan for a dedicated website page to report on all things Sustainability.
Additional Comments: Still finding it hard to come up with metrics to measure because our direct control is only over one 12-person office, but our membership base in BC is close to 2000 - so education, training and awareness are our main focus, and we are active in many industry initiatives.ext goes here
Please share your existing sustainability report if your organization has one:
DOPAMINE Productions hired Ecofilming, a Mexican company with coverage in Latin America, to manage designing and implementing the best sustainability practices available for the international film industry.
The workflow for La Rueda de La Suerte, included a diagnostic phase of the possible environmental impacts and carbon footprint considering the initial design conditions of the project. This production would be made in a studio, with controlled conditions and following the sustainability policies of Grupo Salinas and the standards of the Green Production Guide, PEACH, and ALBERT's sustainability European guiding principles.
After running simulations of the PEACH and PEAR methodology of the Green Production Guide, it became necessary to implement concrete actions to achieve an Environmental Plan to lead La Rueda de la Suerte to be a production that complies with international sustainability standards.
Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: Below are 10 points identified in which the proposed Environmental Plan is developed:
1. To Inform, train, create awareness among the crew for international standards of sustainable production.
2. The modular design and reuse of the Set.
3. Elimination of single-use plastics
4. To reduce or eliminate the use of paper in the office and on Set. 5. The effective recycling of organic waste through compost.
6. To make donations or returns of expendables to the supplier.
7. To make the environmental message visible on the screen.
8. To guarantee the correct use of recycling stations.
9. To reliably measure the Carbon footprint using different methodologies
10.To join the wrapping process to mitigate possible environmental impacts.
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time:
1. Following the PEACH Guide, ALBERT tools, and sustainability policies of Azteca Studios, we socialized the sustainability diagnosis with Directors and Heads of Departments and reached agreements on achievable objectives and goals that in the context of the project.
We carefully analyzed international best industry sustainability practices for adaptation to the Mexico ecosystem. Sustainability best practices in Europe and the US emerged from their specific regulatory, institutional, pedagogical, and ecological frameworks and culture. For example, the adaptation process of the Green Production Guide and ALBERT Guides meant focusing on relevant departments and leaving aside those departments that, due to the nature of the project and the Mexican environment, did not apply, such as Greens, VFX, Special Effects or Locations.
One of the aspects that Directors and HODs most valued was sustainability education. Both the HODs and the entire crew participated actively..
Ecofilming used different teaching methodologies. These included: training seminars; online courses for the crew and HOD’s; one-on-one training by department; personalized signage and infographics; informative eco-news, production, bulletins, and guides; and participatory dynamics with prizes and recognitions for the Crew. Finally, 65% of the Crew signed the Sustainability Pledge, which contained a summary of the main objectives of the sustainability strategy, and was binding, though did not carry sanctions.
Two Sustainability Officers reported to the Dopamine Production Department. The Sustainability Officers were in permanent coordination with the Executive Production and authorities of the Recording Studios. Helping matters was the fact that Azteca Studios and Grupo Salinas already had in place sustainability initiatives including sustainable waste management, recycling, safe processing of potentially toxic material, water saving, and social impact programs on environmental conservation that benefited different foundations of civil society.
We measured the Carbon footprint following the PEAR and ALBERT methodologies, We thus achieved a baseline for the first season of La Rueda de La Suerte,, which means that the environmental and sustainability management plan for the second season will have a baseline point of reference.
Communicating the challenges and achievements was crucial to keep the Crew and Cast motivated and interested in implementing sustainability policies. Similarly, the use of contests and motivational dynamics proved essential.
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: We do have a specific Course about Sustainability for the Film Industry in Latin America. We have it in Spanish with subtitles in English and Portuguese. We are offering this course as part of our package for the productions we are working on.
Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: We enforce a no idling policy for every car on the production .
We promote the use of hybrid vehicles or electric when possible
We promote bicycle use inside locations and we do facilitate bike parking.
Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: We do have a meatless Wednesday
We offer every day vegetarian options
We promote local food and fruits of the season.
Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials: We promote the use of second hand wardrobe and accesories
We recommend the use of FSC certified wood when possible and MDF wood if FSC is not available
Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste: We do propose a list of eco vendors for every production we are working for. We porpose technology innovations for Power Supply, Waste Management, Make Up, Communciations and basecamp illumination.
Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management: Separating at the source remains a challenge in LATAM, since behind the separation of waste there is an entire alternative economy that profits from garbage. However, we are making progress in separating organic from inorganic, compostable from non-compostable, aluminum, cardboard, paper and PET at the source. All organic waste was composted and with the resulting fertilizer new plants were planted in green areas of the studio. Recyclable waste such as PET, aluminum, cardboard, paper and wood were duly recycled by specialized suppliers, including batteries, and potentially toxic aerosols. Paper, cardboard and pieces of wood were reused
Contribute to social and community development:
1. Untouched meals donation
2. Plastic bottle caps, for Child Cancer Treatment Foundation.
3. Used clothing for Shelter.
4. Medicines for GS Foundation
5. Set reuse for season 2.
Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices: We developped many alliances and synergies with partners such as:
ASECA S.A. de C.V.
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: SustainArray and Ecofilming developed a specific e-learning course on "Sustainability for the Film Industry in Latin America.” that was offered during from preproduction to wrap, to generate better practices and sustainable habits during the shooting.
During the entire period of Ecofilming monitoring, the Green Production Guide Weekly Checklist was implemented to guarantee that sustainable habits were being accomplished and to identify challenges and proceed with solutions.
With the collaboration of the Casting and Audience Departments, we managed to generate the habit of bringing reusable bottles in 100% of the personnel participating in La Rueda de La Suerte, as well as the entire audience.
Through sustainability bulletins and concrete actions such as planting trees with composted material, important days were commemorated to generate friendly habits with the environment, such as Recycling Day, Earth Day and Environment Day.
Special training was carried out with the Catering staff regarding composting, reusable cutlery and crockery, and the disposal of kitchen material and waste.
A non idling policy for production cars was implemented, encouraging the habit of turning off the engine when not moving. “La Rueda de la Suerte” included sustainable messages as part of the show in two different episodes.
Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: We created a Flash News about Film Industry and Sutainability in LATAM. We use it every week each sunday during shooting and preproduction we appeared in two LATAM Film Industry mass media nes portal:
Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement: We have two more productions running right now in Colombia for Netflix nad we hope to improve each practice implemented with our prior client in Mexico City.
Additional Comments: Thank you for doing this guys. We hope to meet you in person someday!
Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans:
3: Good Health and Well-Being - We regularly encourage participation in outdoor events which helps the health and well-being of our workforce.
6: Clean Water and Sanitation - Given that the Right to Clean Water Ballot Initiative failed in 2024, we will focus on supporting the initiative again for the 2026 ballot.
7: Affordable and Clean Energy - We have shared links for free solar panel giveaways hosted by local municipalities.
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities - We are proud to be centered in Orlando, FL. This is one of the greenest cities in America and we support initiatives as appropriate for our organization's size.
12: Responsible Consumption and Production - We encourage reusable containers at the worksite. We also educate workers on plastic waste.
13: Climate Action - We plant memorial trees when workers have a life-changing event. We also participate in local tree-planting events and we promote adopt-a-tree events as well.
14: Life Below Water - We have teamed up with the Surfrider Foundation to bolster volunteerism at beach clean-ups and local lake clean-ups. We also have other organizations in mind to team up with in the future.
15: Life on Land - We actively promote participation in Green-Up Orlando and other events that help clean up our local habitat.
16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions - We endeavor to be as strong of an institution as possible and a force for sustainable action.
17: Partnerships for the Goals - The Green Committee Alliance continues to build relationships with governmental agencies and NGOs to improve the sharing of information and opportunities with the workforce.
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: As a labor organization, it is difficult to control or track resource consumption of the events we work. However, we continue to look for opportunities to track and lower our carbon emissions where applicable.
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: We have identified many online educational resources and training providers. We have these links regularly available upon request for any interested workers. We also send out regular newsletters with training opportunities and worthwhile events for workers to participate in.
Some of these educational resources include:
CCOHS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
US EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
ITRC - Interstate Technology Regulatory Council
NIEHS - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Future Festival Tools - Event Sustainability
Real Green Sustainable Production
UN CC E-Learn
IATSE Webinars
Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: Part of our educational resources includes this messaging.
Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management: We continue to look for opportunities with our clients to help influence their decisions regarding these issues.
Contribute to social and community development: We actively participate in many local events - from tree planting, lake and ocean clean-ups, social events, adopt-a-tree drives, dune restoration, and many others.
We help many Governmental agencies as well as NGOs by encouraging worker volunteerism and civic engagement.
Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices: We have already established connections with groups like Surfrider and 1000 Friends of Florida. We keep in touch with the Broadway Green Alliance and other theatrical networks. We will continue to reach out to outstanding organizations and collaborate to the best of our ability.
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: We have assembled a list of petitions and organizations which keep track of state legislative efforts. We empower individuals with the centralized knowledge and awareness of how they can individually advocate for the issues that matter the most to them.
Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: Our Green Committee has forged a "Green Committee Alliance" in the Central Florida region which continues to grow month by month. Members participate in a variety of events which spreads the message both internally and externally.
Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement: The IATSE Local 631 Green Committee pledges to self-report every even-numbered year before the month of April by meeting in committee and reviewing each topic in depth.
Additional Comments: "Make it Green behind the Scene!"
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time:
Collaborating with DGC to implement their Carbon Calculator and working to tailor it more specifically for Art Department needs.
Testing Rheaply to track resources for sharing among shows as they wrap and prep
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste:
Hosting Sustainability Symposium’s to educate union members and the general public on less toxic and wasteful materials/methods to implement in the art department
Organizing panel discussions with professionals on more sustainable practices in the art department
Inviting guest speakers from companies that produce greener products (such as the Good Plastics Co.) or facilitate waste stream diversion (such as Urbanjacks) to present at our regular committee meetings
Helping develop SPEC with USGBC-CA to launch in September 2024 along with Green Spark Group
Working on the CSATF Training
Attending and hosting Curb YourRecycling Events with Burbank
Recycling Center
Working to bring SPF to Los Angeles
Hosted the International Production
Design Week panel on Sustainability in the Art Department - Fall 2023
Sharing resources on Discord channel
Field Trips to vendors including sustainability related questions and starting relationships to follow up with circularity resources and practices
Perspective Articles in bi-monthly ADG magazine to educate and inform wider membership and readers
Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials:
Hosting most meetings on Zoom to reduce fuel and travel emissions and include a wider participation
Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods:
ADG Green Committee commits to serving only vegan and vegetarian options at ADG Green Committee sponsored events.
Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials:
Collaborate with institutions such as Materials Connexion to research lower carbon alternatives to typical set construction goods, such as lauan, sintra, and acrylic
Conduct material testing that assesses both the carbon impact of alternative products, as well as the viability of their implementation in our industry - i.e. durability, acceptance of paint, flexibility, weight, etc.
Involve construction coordinators in the process so that these materials can be confidently implemented on actual productions
Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste:
Leverage the high-volume consumption of the film industry to give smaller companies the market they need to scale their green products and provide them at a cost and speed comparable to our current (though more ecologically destructive) goods
Contribute to social and community development: Organizing and promoting local sustainability events, such as Amy Hammes’ “Waste Warriors” seminar or EcoSet’s paint recycling drive in order to raise awareness and encourage community participation in greener practices
Developing a Circularity in the Art Department CSATF Class, teaching sustainability within film production for the Art department in ways that are specific to work covered by ADG contracts. Increase awareness of reusable resources, sustainable materials within the art department.
Creating framework for initiating conversation between vendors and production for material buy-backs, meatless Mondays and other sustainable initiatives.
Working with the Inter-local Green Committee in developing a Sustainability course pertaining to all departments working in film.
Organizing field trips for ADG members to learn about local Los Angeles vendors and resources.
Articles in Perspective Magazine highlighting green initiatives in production.Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices:
Established the Interlocal Green Committees group - a coalition of the sustainability committees from over 12 IATSE locals that meets quarterly
Participating in the Inter-Guild & Union Sustainability Alliance’s monthly meetings
Created a Discord channel to share resources, events, and education among Green/Sustainability Committees
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability:
Developing a letter-writing campaign to the California Film
Commission to push for sustainability to be an integrated feature of the tax incentive program
Meeting with leaders of the sustainability committees in the PGA and DGA, as well as with the Sustainable Entertainment Alliance, in order to communicate top/down procedural changes that would facilitate more sustainable practices in the art department
Please share your existing sustainability report if your organization has one: In 2023, Screen Nova Scotia launched a three-year strat plan, with three key pillars of success in mind: Communication, Collaboration, Community.
Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: Our Commitment: Screen Nova Scotia will work with local Unions and Guilds, crews, suppliers, and all levels of local and provincial government in developing and sharing the responsibility, possibilities, and solutions to strengthen sustainability in the production industry in the province. The goal is to normalize sustainable production processes and practices within the Nova Scotia screen industry.
Screen Nova Scotia aims to create a comprehensive information resource for members and non-members to learn about sustainability practices in the province through our new Sustainability webpage. The webpage will be continually updated with new initiatives, case studies, courses, and other relevant information as they become available. This will help inform both local and international productions of the resources available to them. As sustainability grows in Nova Scotia, this webpage will be a central hub for gathering and sharing information.
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: We are leaving those metrics to the individual productions, we are however looking at ways to implement sustainability measures in our own events.
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste:
Educating Members - New members will receive an education piece that communicates ongoing sustainability practices and protocols in the province.
Quarterly Updates - Quarterly newsletters will inform the industry of local and international updates on film sustainability, providing relevant information to current and upcoming productions, and available training opportunities.
Case Studies - Screen Nova Scotia will release case studies on how local productions integrated and managed their green practices. Case studies will feature projects of all budget sizes and genres, and adapted based on the production / status of sustainability as it grows in the province / industry
Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: Working within local business to discover ways to do this implementation in the local film industry. Within the last two years, green generators are more readily available in our province, and we are working with local car rental agencies to determine their fleet avails for green / sustainability choices.
Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: NA - comes directly from production.
Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials.: NA - comes directly from production.
Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste: The sustainability strat plan puts an aim towards more specifically and localized training options for our local Production Managers and Producers to learn with the local (Nova Scotia) industry in mind. This may include sessions with trainers in sustainability, or discussions with organizations that accept food donations, etc. That remains one of our goals to implement in 2024-25.
Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management: SNS is working to develop this in both our offices and in our events.
Contribute to social and community development: Recently, Screen Nova Scotia has started to build relationships with the Halifax municipality (capital city of Nova Scotia) to potentially collaborate on existing initiatives happening around sustainability and green measures. As an addition, the sustainability committee at Screen Nova Scotia has applied to do an exhibit on sustainability at an event in Halifax called Nocturne (gives voice and agency to the local arts community by facilitating collaborations and exhibition opportunities).
Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices: This is in the long-term plans of our sustainability strat plan:
• Work with interprovincial agencies and partners who are adopting sustainability measures for the screen industry.
• Create a message board / group where industry professionals can ask questions and share sustainability tactics and vendor information through social media.
• Work with provincial educational institutions with film and television programs to ensure sustainable production practice is embedded throughout the curriculum.
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: This is something Screen Nova Scotia is looking into with film policies and incentives.
Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: More on the production side.
Please share your existing sustainability report if your organization has one:
-23m3 of material repurposed
- 17500Kg CO2e slashed
- 800 trees saved from absorbing the amount of CO2e
Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: No
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: Yes
Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management: Yes, instead of dumping wood waste to landfills, we have it transport to our wood recycle facilities
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: Yes
Additional Comments: We are a startup and are determine to establish the [other priorities] points above
Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: Sustainability plans in place following the Albert Carbon Calculator and sustainability plan goals.
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: Albert Carbon Calculator to assess the emissions and areas that could be improved and emissions reduced.
Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: Most of our sets are working towards being waste-free. We implement rules such as bringing one's own water bottle and reusable cup, encourage vegetarian and vegan meals as well as reducing transport when possible (one trip to pick-up several items, versus going back and forth)
Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: Vegetarian and vegan foods predominantly served, taking into consideration specific restrictions and preference from cast/crew of course
Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials: Reusable materials are used whenever possible and encouraged.
Contribute to social and community development: Ongoing discussions with community leaders and engagement to share our work and ways we can better our involvement with the local community.
Partnering with green and waste conscious organizations to promote our work and reach an audience.
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: Cedar Island is excited to start the work CBC put into place in partnership with Albert UK for the carbon calculator and will continue to work with it on other projects.
Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: The past two documentary films produced by Cedar Island Films had important messaging regarding the climate crisis and sustainability (The Whale and the Raven/ The Magnitude of All Things), and continues to work with filmmakers trying to bring these stories to life.
See the GSG 2022 self report here.
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: IATSE 667 is an active partner in Ontario Green Screen OGS and promotes their courses and other information about more sustainable sets to all of our members on a regular basis.
In addition, our IATSE 667 Green Committee has been working hard to educate our members on Climate change as well as many ideas our members can implement to make their productions more sustainable. Several members are Ambassadors for Ontario Green Screen.
Communications with members happens through meetings, social media, and our 667 newsletter and website.
Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: Members of our Green committee are engaging in on-going conversations with their productions to use electric generators and eliminate single-use plastics on their sets (sometimes quite successfully). As a result of one member’s efforts, CBS and Pinewood installed touchless water fountains in their studios and eliminated single-use water bottles on a 2022 series. IATSE 667 provides complimentary reusable water bottles to our members.
Other successful conversations have let to more crew members using and encouraging food rescue apps, as well as keeping reusable food containers out of the landfill by donating them to CASE.
Our 667 Office strives to avoid using single-use plastics and uses a waste management company in order to divert more waste from the landfill.
Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials: Our green committee promotes and shares information (primarily through our website, but also Facebook and Instagram) about actions that camera crew can adopt, in order to reduce camera department emissions. Information is also shared with our camera trainees in orientation.
Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste: A resource list for our camera professionals is provided on our 667 members website in the "Green Corner" section.
Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management: 667 has uses a waste management company, Zero Waste Office delivered by Go Java, in order to reduce and direct waste to the proper recycling or compost facilities. Cold filtered water is kept in the refrigerator and glassware is made readily available. We aim to use refillable cleaning products as much as possible. Our overhead pot light bulbs were all changed in 2018 to LED. We use a thermostat on a timer to keep energy use low when heating overnight and weekends.
Contribute to social and community development: OGS (Ontario Green Screen) Sustainable Production Training (3 hr) registration information shared to various college and university professors to inform their film, television and media students. “Green” set training is also provided to our new 667 camera trainee members during orientation classes. Plans to incorporate OGS sustainable production training for our Young Worker's Committee are in place.
Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices: Our 667 Green Committee is organizing joint meetings with other union and guilds this year, and are currently trying to set up an information seminar on clean energy generators for our union members and other union members that would be able to promote these units on more sets.
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: A number of our members have approached their productions to request that they put more sustainable practices in place.
Please share your existing sustainability report if your organization has one: Our company as a cleaning company has a massive responsibility with waste and the use of chemicals, we have been reducing the use of plastic and gradually moving towards reusable bottles and containers, our garbage and paper offered to the clients are 100% compostable with an Ecólogo certification, this logo also applies to the majority of our cleaning products, garbage bags and more.
Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: PAR Mantra
Purpose | Action | Relentless
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: Regarding the use of plastic we have reduced a significant amount, almost 30%, changing to drums instead of gallons and doing the dissolution by ourselves, constantly reusing the recyclable gallons or spray bottles left from other products
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: Our company onboard orientation includes the sustainability practices that our company has been using and how to embrace them our daily lives.
PAR Mantra is a daily objective in our company.
Purpose | Action | Relentless
We have a Purpose with the planet, by taking Action to sustainability and being relentless to continue and being an example to others.
Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: We change to only get what is need it instead of getting huge amounts to kind of have a “reserve” which was producing more wrongful use of the quantities needed.
Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials: Our priority is by reducing plastic and reusing what we have to avoid getting more.
Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste: We are currently finding new opportunities to reduce the use of plastic on a bigger scale, the implementation of little packs of concentrated products that come in a bit of water soluble sachet which will help to control de waste of product and will reduce the use of plastic (for example getting rid of the big drums)
With this we hope not just our industry but other industries benefit from this practices, as is a storage and handling friendly option, easy to use when managing staff and will not only reduce the waste, this will also protect the budget of the organization
Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management: We are implementing plans to change our fleet of cars from gas to electric.
Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices: We have created an alliance with may sustainability companies within the film industry. That has make a significant impact in our company culture by sharing knowledge and allowing us to implement better practices on our daily work process.
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: Reuse policy in our company has helped us to create a culture of consideration with our planet. All purchases must go through an approval process to ensure we don't get products that we don't need. We lower our foot print by monitoring our inventory of supplies and equipment.
Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: All our messages includes sustainability practices and how we will continue to grow and become a better green company.
Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement: Since On Stage Cleaning started five years ago, we have saved tons of plastics and water by applying these practices. We are one of the only cleaning companies with a mind into sustainability and show by example that we can be one in tune with our earth.
Additional Comments: Go Green or go home!!! Item description
Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: Promálaga is committed with sustainability and has been working for the last 5 years with 7 European partners in the European project Green Screen, focused on sustainability in the audiovisual sector, becoming a national pioneer in this field. For more information about the project, please visit
The Malaga Film Office, the Environmental Department of Malaga City Council and Promálaga worked together to create the Seal of Sustainable Production, which places the city of Malaga at the leading position in sustainable filming, not only at a national but also at an international level.
Furthermore, Promálaga has implemented other important actions, as the creation of the Sustainable Filming Guide and the development of the European Environmental Calculator, in order to make audiovisual productions more sustainable.
Malaga has become a reference in the audiovisual sector both for holding every year the most important Film Festival in Spanish language and for counting on an Environmental Advisory Centre that promotes sustainability, as well as for positioning itself as an ideal city for sustainable film productions.
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: Eureca (European Environmental Calculator) is a pilot project emerging from the European project Green Screen which consists of an online tool able to measure not only the carbon footprint but also the environmental impact of audiovisual productions, not only at a local or national level, but also at a European level.
This instrument helps the audiovisual industry to better understand and evaluate the environmental impact of their filming as well as to make their production processes more sustainable.
Eureca is focused not only on measuring but also on raising awareness and learning from this experience. The purpose of Eureca is to develop a uniform European instrument so that it can be used by any type of audiovisual production in any country in Europe.
It has been created in close partnership with producers, scientists and sustainability experts. It has been designed with the involvement of the audiovisual industry, which has been involved in its creation, improvement and implementation.
For that reason, Eureca is a tailor-made tool for all types of audiovisual productions. It is the instrument of preference for producers, line producers, eco-managers and heads of departments.
In addition to being useful for the production companies, the funding institutions at European, national and regional level can use Eureca as a valuable tool for certification and reporting as well as a basis for implementing and fostering sustainability promotion strategies.
For further information please visit our website:
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: The Malaga Film Office advised the use of the sustainable filming guide to the audio-visual productions carried out in Malaga. As a result of this, a big amount of the total audio-visual projects carried out in Malaga have used the sustainable filming guide in order to make eco-friendly choices throughout the audio-visual project, carrying out its activity by means of actions environmentally sustainable.
Besides, the creation of a seal of sustainable production has been developed by the Malaga City Council in cooperation with Promálaga. This seal certifies the good practices implemented in this area by the companies that choose Malaga as location for their audio-visual projects. The aim of this new procedure is to raise awareness and involve the entire audio-visual sector in the need of implementing environmental protection measures. In order to be awarded with this seal, audio-visual productions made in Malaga are required to implement procedures that comply with sustainability criteria.
Furthermore, the advisable use of European Environmental Calculator by the audiovisual professionals not only focuses on evaluating/reporting on emissions, but it is also an important tool on helping audiovisual companies to make decisions during their planning to make their filming more sustainable.
Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials.: The European Environmental Calculator (Eureca) maps the different fields of impact of an audiovisual production and translates topics like fuel, energy and materials into comparable units (in most cases CO2 is used as a reference unit, but impacts like toxicity, land, water use and health are also relevant and are taken into consideration in Eureca).
Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: The European Environmental Calculator (Eureca) maps the different fields of impact of an audiovisual production and translates topics like different kinds of foods into comparable units. The aim is to raise awaireness of the audiovisual sector and help production companies make decisions during their planning to make their filming more sustainable.
Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials: The database used by Eureca for the calculation of the environmental impact of audiovisual productions takes into consideration the use of different materials. The aim is to raise awaireness of the audiovisual sector and help production companies make decisions during their planning to make their filming more sustainable.
Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste.: The European Environmental Calculator not only focuses on evaluating/reporting on emissions, but also on helping audiovisual companies to make the decisions during their planning to make their filming more sustainable. It is uniform and consistent at European level, using reliable conversion factors based on a database developed by sustainability experts. Where needed, regional impacts will be taken into account.
Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and transport management.: Promálaga has been the creator of a Sustainable filming guide. This guide has been designed as a roadmap to help broadcasters, producers, service providers, public policy-makers and local institutions make eco-friendly choices throughout the audio-visual project. Its mission is to raise the awareness of the audio-visual sector regarding the possibility of carrying out its activity by means of actions that are environmentally sustainable, promoting its role as an agent of change towards a greener model of production.
Besides, the creation of a seal of sustainable production has been developed by the Malaga City Council in cooperation with Promálaga. This seal certifies the good practices implemented in this area by the companies that choose Malaga as location for their audio-visual projects. The aim of this new procedure is to raise awareness and involve the entire audio-visual sector in the need of implementing environmental protection measures. In order to be awarded with this seal, audio-visual productions made in Malaga are required to implement procedures that comply with sustainability criteria.
Furthermore, Eureca, consisting of an online tool able to measure not only the carbon footprint but also the environmental impact of audiovisual productions, can be considered as a best practice. This instrument has served to increase the awareness of the environmental impact of film making and to help producers make better choices and influence them towards sustainable practices in audio-visual productions.
The main ambition of Eureca would be to become the common tool to be used in order to calculate the environmental impact of audio-visual productions at a European level.
Contribute to social and community development: Embedding sustainable practices within the audiovisual industry is a big and broad challenge. In order to stimulate the industry into more sustainable habits, a smart combination of initiatives is needed. There is not one magic solution for achieving this challenge: the way to go is a clever mix of raising awareness, measuring impact, motivating cast and crew, knowledge, funding, learning how to work more sustainably in different departments and much more!
Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices.: Promálaga has developped close business relationships at a national level with the “Asociación de Profesionales de la Producción Audio-visual (APPA)” [English: Audio-visual Production Professionals’ Association], the “Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audio-visuales (ICAA)” [English: Agency of the National Ministry of Culture], the Creative Europe Media Desk, the Spain Film Commission, the “Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España (AACCE)” [English: Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Spain] and RTVE - Radio television Española (national broadcaster), among others.
Eureca team, which includes Promálaga as a partner, have been working intensively on building relationships at European level and organized informative meetings with Creative Europe, Eurimages and the Audiovisual Observatory.
Specially in the current year, the business relationship with the European Commission has been reinforced. Apart from other meetings celebrated with Creative Europe Media, the European Commission invited Eureca team to join the technical discussions and a Common statement has been signed to work together towards the development of a unified measurement methodology of CO2 emissions
Due to the importance of the EU Green Deal, sustainability will be a criteria for the eligibility and evaluation of audiovisual projects within the Creative Europe programme, recently launched by the European Union. Policy makers have also been influenced by this current trend and are taking it into account to promote a more sustainable production of audiovisual industries.
Moreover, Eureca team is continuously updating relevant institutions about the progress of EURECA’s development through participation within networks, e.g. EUFCN (European Film Commission Network), Cine Regio and the recently established Green Group of the EFADs (European Film Agency Directors’ Association).
Besides, Eureca team has celebrated meetings and created a broad network composed by key actors as Film Commissions, Ecoprod, Eurimages, the European Commission (Creative Europe Media, Communications Networks, Content and Technology) among many others, that are closely involved in the promotion of resources to raise producers’ awareness of the impact of their activities on the environment and to reduce the environmental damages caused by audio-visual productions.
Establishing close relationships with these Institutions and networks has the potential to influence key European agencies and to help industry bodies and productions beyond the Green Screen partnership itself with their sustainability journey.
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: Five years ago, sustainability was never a factor to be considered in the audio-visual productions shooted in Spain. The best practices developed by Promálaga under Green Screen and Eureca project, have served to influence policy makers at local, regional, national and international level towards sustainability in audio-visual productions.
From the regional sphere, pressure has been exerted on public authorities at the national scale and this has had an impact at all levels (local, regional, national and European).
The adoption of sustainable measures implies the engagement of public authorities at national level to involve the different actors to work towards sustainability and to make audio-visual productions become more respectful with the environment.
Relevant practices and activities in which Promalaga is involved are:
On one hand, the creation and distribution of this sustainable filming guide has constituted a real success: The Sustainable filming guide has been shared not only through Promálaga at a regional level but also throughout other entities at a national and international level. These national and international entities have contacted Promálaga to have the sustainable guide as a reference to create their own guide for making sustainable audio-visual productions or to use the one developed by Promálaga directly.
On the other hand, the creation of the seal of sustainable production in Malaga has influenced other key stakeholders at a national, european and international level. Several entities contacted Promálaga and a collaboration agreement was signed in order to adapt the methodology and good sustainable practices in the audio-visual sector developed by Promálaga to their own reality.
And last but not least, the creation of the European Environmental Calculator has influenced policy makers at local, regional, national and international level towards sustainability in audio-visual productions. Many entities from other regions, European countries and third countries have contacted Promalaga in order to use the European Environmental Calculator.
Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging.: Many dissemination and communication actions have taken place in social media, social networks, newspapers, blogs and platforms under the slogan "No planet, No film". Promálaga has participated actively in multiple forums and events at local, regional, national, European and international level. The aim of these actions is to keep the public aware of the environmental impact of all our actions in order to encourage individual responsibility for a more sustainable way of life.
Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement.: Promálaga, as one of the partners of the Green Screen project and leader of the Eureca pilot project, produces annual reports to inform the European institutions of all the progress made in the actions carried out.
Please share your existing sustainability report if your organization has one: Sim participates in progressive industry committees, such as Reel Green and the Ontario Green Screen.
Sim also provides financial contributions to the Pacific Parklands Foundation.
Sim has sponsored industry-wide training in climate change solutions to advance the adoption of sustainable production solutions.
We have eliminated single use plastic water bottles at all Sim locations.
We have multi-stream waste reduction and recycling systems at all Sim locations.
We have introduced electric vehicles to our fleet for transporting gear.
We are eliminating paper from our operations and adopting a digital record system.
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: We actively distribute regular sustainability tips and practices to our employees on our internal messaging board. We've shared information regarding "Waste Reduction Week", "The Value of Water", "Electronic Waste" and more. We've challenged our employees to complete activities which focused on the need to reduce our impact on the planet, and encouraged all to adopt these activities in the long-term. Additionally, each year, our staff are given a paid day off to do meaningful, purpose-driven and passion-aligned work at a local organization of their choice, with some opting for organizations committed to the health of our planet.
Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: At Sim, we’re committed to helping staff be as healthy as possible, and we’re also committed to the heath of our planet. That’s why we are working towards having more Sim sponsored lunches meat and dairy free.
Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste: We are taking steps to minimize our environmental impact and inspiring others to take action – from eliminating single use plastic water bottles to having multi-stream waste reduction and recycling systems at all Sim locations. In addition, sustainability considerations are being integrated into our purchasing, inventory and shipping processes and we’ve introduced electric vehicles to their fleet for transporting gear.
Contribute to social and community development: Sim participates in progressive industry committees, such as Reel Green and the Ontario Green Screen. Sim also provides financial contributions to the Pacific Parklands Foundation, by sponsoring the Earth Day Challenge, which challenges production crews in B.C. to raise funds for Pacific Parklands Foundation. Sim has sponsored industry-wide training in climate change solutions to advance the adoption of sustainable production solutions.
Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices: At Sim, we're focused on creative ways to reduce our environmental impact and use the best available research to inform our priorities. We share our findings with our employees and clients and encourage them to participate in sustainability training, such as the Ontario Green Screen's "Climate and Sustainable Production training" and "Carbon Calculator training".
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging.: We inform our employees and clients by sharing tips, sustainable best practices, training opportunities, sponsored events, and employee/client efforts, on our social media platforms and website.
Additional Comments: We’re a proud supporter of the Creative Industries Pact for Sustainable Action, a commitment that includes a continuous look at current business practices to both explore and amplify opportunities that reduce environmental impact and increase social equality metrics.
Please share your existing sustainability report if your organization has one: Please see our website for corporate social responsibility report at, also see our BCorp impact score at
Please share your existing sustainability report if your organization has one: We do not have an environmental impact report but we are going to be producing our first one this year (our organization is 3 years old). The only reporting we have made about the Hollywood Climate Summit can be found below:
- (2020; private)
- (2021; snapshot)
Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals within the SDGs, Paris Agreement, and local, regional, and national climate action plans: We are currently creating a 2022-2030 strategic plan for the Hollywood Climate Summit to implement long-term climate action plans in the industry as well as with the support of other coalitions such as the Creatives Industries Pact or the upcoming ENZA Accord.
Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on resource consumption, emissions and impacts through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time: We have not been doing in-person events in the past two years, except for the Eco-Bash event of the Hollywood Climate Summit which was produced by Earth Angel and they helped us measure all the sustainability indicators (without reporting them publicly). This year, we are going to measure the event's carbon footprint, total waste generated, transportation totals, and include it in our final public reporting.
Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change, water and resource consumption, and waste: Yes, through collaborations with Earth Angel and other collaborators. We are getting better at this but we want to ramp up efforts and include future employees. We are also bringing climate storytelling training for our community.
Prioritize the reduction and efficient use of fuel, energy and materials: Yes. We don't have any company vehicles and work from home. We also stopped using the office which reduces our energetic consumption too.
Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods: Company meals are always vegan
Prioritize the use of sustainable, low-carbon materials: We implemented this during the Hollywood Climate Summit in collaboration with EcoSet (using only recycled furniture and upcycled attrezzo)
Contribute to social and community development: It is our biggest contribution and priority given our role as a social impact agency. We can provide additional reporting if needed of our projects.
Develop and encourage partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices: The Hollywood Climate Summit has over 120 partners and growing; plus over 500 organizations represented. Across all of our initiatives, we have worked with more than 800 different entities and groups advancing social and climate justice.
Advocate for incentives and policy for sustainability: Our entry level salary is $22.50 and we are vocal against paying less to interns, fellows or young creatives. We think a living wage is sustainability too.
Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging: We are making climate storytelling one of our top priorities and currently working in the distribution of Good Energy's upcoming Playbook for writers (release April 19th)
Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement: We need to improve our reporting systems but we are doing a lot of progress already; we want to have annual reporting even if it's internal only